Three prophecies on Florida Basketball that foretold their doom against Colorado

The warning signs were all there for the Gators to fail early

Denny Simmons / The Tennessean / USA

We know you come to Hail Florida Hail to read about Florida Basketball, but let's take a trip back to English class and the William Shakespeare play Macbeth. In it, the title character is given a set of prophecies from the witches, which seem outlandish, but all become true by the end of the play.

Likewise the warning signs for Florida were all in plain sight and while we didn't wish them to become true, alas the Gators lost to Colorado 102-100.

Florida Basketball: Wish It Could Not Be True, But It Is

Florida Would Be An Agent Of Chaos

We said all season that the Gators were going to be an exciting team in the NCAA Tournament one way or the other.

We tweeted out back on March 10 that Florida was going to do something that would wind up on the One Shining Moment montage one way or the other.

It is safe to say that even though they pushed off to create the shot, Colorado's buzzer beater is going to make it one the montage in two weeks.

Beware Of Playing Four Games

We wrote prior to the SEC Tournament that it would benefit Florida to lose early in it. We noted that of the 13 previous teams from a Power Six conference to make the NCAA Tournament that played in four games in their respective conference tournament, only two had advanced past the Sweet 16.

What's more is that the previous five had all failed to advance past the first weekend, with four of the five all losing in the first round.

NC State still has a chance to break the prophecy after winning their first round game, but for Florida they joined the club of teams that played four games in their conference tournament and lost in the first round.

Beware Of The First Four

In 2001 the NCAA Tournament expanded to 65 teams after the formation of the Mountian West Conference. The bottom two teams to make the tournament had to square off in Dayton for the right to play within The Big Dance.

Then in 2011 the field expanded to 68, and started having the last four at-large bids to make the tournament face each other as well in Dayton to move.

Between having less rest and the fact they are one of the last teams to sneak into the tournament, it would be easy to dismiss the teams in the First Four.

However, since 2011, 2019 was the only season at least one team that won their First Four game did not also go on to win at least one more game in the tournament.

When First Four winner Colorado State got bounced, this left Colorado as the team to fulfill the prophecy.

