Richardson comes back in as the camera cuts to Shorter, Etienne, and Johnson all still waiting to see in-ring action. Richardson and Cox have a stare down and Cox goes for a clothesline. Richardson ducks and goes to bounce off the rope.
As he heads towards Cox he ducks again. Another rope bounce and after a third missed clothesline, Richardson crumbles to the ground.
Holding his leg, Cox looks at the ref confused. The camera pans to the crowd as everyone is looking shocked. Children are crying, and the guy in the front row wearing the Squared Circle shirt wags his finger saying, “I told you so”
The ref puts up an X and Cox goes to cover.
“Anthony Richardson has been eliminated.”
Is it a work?
Is it a shoot?
Is it a worked shoot?
Either way, Richardson is gone from the match and the captain of Team Napier can’t lead his troops for the rest of the match.