Watson is simply too strong and overpowers Richardson into Napier’s corner. Pearsall tries to help his captain out and makes a blind tag to Richardson. While Watson is still pounding away in the corner, Pearsall hops on the top turnbuckles and tries to deliver a hurricanrana to Watson.
Bad choice.
Watson holds Pearsall up in the air as he backs away from the corner and delivers a powerbomb in the middle of the ring. Watson goes for the cover.
Kickout. Watson didn’t hook the leg. He drags Pearsall to the Toney corner and tags in Wilson. Stomp, stomp, stomp in the corner. Wilson tags Cox. More stomps. Cox tags Miller and continues to stop away.
Miller picks Pearsall up and puts him on the turnbuckle before tagging Cox back in. Cox gets under Pearsall’s lifeless body and suplexes him to the mat. The ring rattles as Cox covers.
Shoulder up as the camera zooms in on Cox’s face. Frustrated he tags Wilson back in. Wilson goes to the top rope and delivers a frog splash.
But Pearsall still gets his shoulder up. Pearsall is showing plenty of heart for Florida football and Team Napier but he desperately needs a tag. Watson is back in and as he goes to pick up Pearsall he takes a punch to the knee.
Watson buckles and Pearsall delivers another shot. Watson buckles again as Pearsall goes to crawl to his corner. Watson recovers and grabs Pearsall by the leg. Pearsall fights but it is no use. Watson whips him back into the corner and tags in Cox.
Cox comes to the center of the ring as he motions for Pearsall to get up. Pearsall rises to his feet, dazed and confused. Cox comes in with a full head of steam and delivers a spear.
“Ricky Pearsall has been eliminated”
It’s back even at 4 vs 4