Florida football: Second scrimmage “was better” according to Dan Mullen

Feleipe Franks, Florida Gators. (Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)
Feleipe Franks, Florida Gators. (Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images) /

The date is inching closer, meaning the pressure is ratcheted up for Florida football as they make preparations for Aug. 24 and the season-opener against Miami.

Florida football coach Dan Mullen is playing things pretty close to the chest.

As the Gators enter the final two weeks before the season opener against Miami Aug. 24, Mullen said the second scrimmage of the fall camp “was better.”

"“The guys on the team, I think, took some steps forward,” Mullen said, in his post-practice news conference. “I think it was cleaner football top to bottom and all the way around.”"

He added the biggest thing about scrimmages was getting players in a “game mentality” so they can focus on one situation to the next.

“You’ve got to understand what situation you are in at all times,” Mullen said. “[There’s been] a lot of little teaching for guys to do that and understand the situational aspect of football.”

He said the second scrimmage Sunday was cleaner, allowing the coaching staff to work better to teach that situational mentality.

In terms of quarterback Feleipe Franks, Mullen said he seemed more comfortable with the overall offense.

"“Now, it is going to be a transition. He is comfortable with the offense, now it is going to be applying it,” Mullen said."

Florida Gators Football
Florida Gators Football /

Florida Gators Football

Mullen said Franks’ ability to manage and read plays — like checking down — can lead to more explosive plays on offense for Florida football.

Mullen also touched on the recent dismissal of defensive back John Huggins, calling the decision “ours” and based on “just not living up what we expected of the Gator standard from him.”

Huggins was dismissed from the team on Saturday.

Mullen said it means “the next guy is going to have to step up” in terms of what Huggins’ dismissal means for the depth of the Gators.

“I’m concerned about the depth of our entire roster,” Mullen said.

Certainly, Huggins’ dismissal will put added pressure on a defensive unit already reeling from the loss of C.J. McWilliams, who sprained his Achilles’ tendon during a practice last week.

Also, earlier today Miami named Jarren Williams as its starter against the Gators. Mullen shrugged off a question on what that does for Florida football’s preparations for the Hurricanes.

"“We’ll look at him (Williams). He hasn’t played a lot, but none of their guys have really played a lot,” Mullen said. “It’s a new coaching staff, so you don’t have a lot of film to go off on.”"

He added the focus will be more on the Gators themselves rather than a specific player on the other side of the field. He said both sides have new players and Miami brings a new coaching staff to the game.

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Florida football will play Miami in Orlando on Aug. 24 at Camping World Stadium.